Here he is in his first football jersey...Thanks Uncle Chris and Aunt Amy!
Our second 'birthday' of the day was celebrating Michele's first day as an American citizen. We were sort of bummed when we got the notice to say that Michele's federal interview and American History exam were on the same day as Cohen's birthday, but as the day unfolded, we started to see how this could be sort of cool - every year we'll celebrate two birthdays on one day!
Oh, yeah, and there was a swearing-in ceremony that happened to fall on Monday, too, meaning Michele got to complete the process in one day, which almost never yah! The coolest part about this: with all the countries in which Michele now claims citizenship, she has more passports than Jason Bourne.
Sounds like we may be seeing you next weekend! Exciting!
Congrats on all of your big 'milestones'!!!
Haha, funny he looks like the two year olds I know in these pics! haha just has a few less teeth. Congrats on citizenship!
We enjoyed the Jason Bourne joke . . . we love those movies! We are so happy that you are a CITIZEN! Welcome!
Very cool Michelle... you're my hero! :)
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