So, part of becoming a missionary (other than all the godly stuff, like Jesus asking you to go across the world), is a bunch of media stuff, like making prayer cards, brochures and all sorts of other things that you distribute to people who are interested in your ministry.
In order to do this, you need to make sure that you have a good family picture. JD and I are so seriously pathetic when it comes to taking pictures, that we decided to hire someone to do that. (I like saying things like that because it makes me feel rich and fancy, like I "have people" - only thing is, our friends, the Moseleys did it for free, because in all reality we aren't rich or fancy and we don't have any people.)
Anyway, below are the pictures of our most recent photo shoot...on another note: it's not easy to get a 10-month old baby to care about your prayer card pictures.
2 months ago