We came home from the hospital the next day at lunch time and have been settling into life as four. Cohen is still trying to acclimate to not being an only child anymore. Wrestling and running are very much a part of our lives around here with a little boy and I think he is somewhat confused at this not being much of a part of Sloane's routine yet :) All in all, he is doing really well and has been going on a lot of 'adventures' with dad during the day while mom tries to get the hang of nursing again.
Baby girl looks much like her brother did when he was born...a head full of jet-black, slightly curly hair, dark eyes and skin, and very long fingers and toes.
More details about life for the Senkbiles to follow...but really we know that, all of you are just interested in seeing what she looks like, so here you go, enjoy!

Mom and Sloane about two minutes after she was born

Very excited to be weighed and measured :)

20 minutes old and waiting to take a bath

Sloane's first bath, at about 25 minutes old

Daddy and his princess ... quite ridiculous already!

Big brother Cohen trying his best to give 'gentle love'...
More pictures of our first few days at home, to come...just thought we would get the first couple on there for everyone to see.
Thanks for all your prayers and support, from all over the world ... literally!
I'm with Millie as well I thought it was a water birth! I'm so happy for you guys, its so exciting she's finally here!!
What a beautiful baby! Congrats to you guys...so glad to hear that things are going well. It is true that little girls have their daddy's heart from the first moment. Uh oh! :)
YEA!!! I am so excited for you guys! What a beautiful thing birth is. Always makes me excited. :) She is beautiful just like the rest of your family. I know you will enjoy having a girl. It is a different adventure! Love you guys....
Congrats! So beautiful! I love that Cohen is sucking his thumb next to her!
A huge congrats from the Paladino's to all 4 of you :-)
Oh, she is beautiful! I so wish we could be there with you. I'm very anxious to hear your birth story, it's killing me that I don't know what happened with you!! AHHHH!!! She is absolutely adorable and you look great! side note, Natalie was playing with those Starbucks mugs yesterday and I said "natalie, we don't play with those because they are very special gifts from Michele" she paused..... and said "I want to play with CoCo mommy" heartbreaking.
WOW Michelle it so awesome to hear your account of the second delivery! She is just beautiful, I love the picture of her in the bath! That Daddy-Daughter relationship is a special one, huh!
So much fun ahead of you!
Congratulations! She looks alot like big bro! What a blessing! Have fun in Pink World!!
How exciting to read about your news! Your pictures are darling! God makes pretty amazing things, doesn't He? We're so thankful for the safe delivery and a healthy GIRL! Wish we could meet our great niece soon. Enjoy these days. Hopefully your sleep depravation will be a minimum. :-)
Love you all,
Karen, for Rich, too.
She is beautiful! Congrats! Little girls have a way of grabbing their daddy's hearts right from the start!
We are praying for you.
love the Price family
Thanks for the updated I wondered how the new family was doing. I am glad things went well and the four of you are great. She is beautiful and I love the name. Loved the pictures.
Congratulations! Looks like a beautiful day in the life of your family! Congratulations!
Not gonna lie here, a pink blanket with a purple-t-shirt-wearing-teddy bear is something I never dreamed I would see draped over JD's chest. Sloane's being between the two brings some sense to this scenario.
One last item: Sophie loves Sloane and wishes she were here to hold. Parker is still mystified by the name Sloane, but loved her cool umbilical chord. Lewis looked at the pictures with silent admiration. Grace had a temper tantrum and missed it all. :) Keepin' it real. Leigh
Congrats JD and Michele!! Sloane is absolutely beautiful!! What a blessing :)
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